Official Languages Consultations


The Department of Canadian Heritage has launched public consultations toward the development of a new multi-year action plan for official languages in Canada.

Until October, 31 2016, we will seek the views of Canadians and many key stakeholders on their priorities in the area of official languages.

The implementation of the Official Languages Act, particularly in the promotion of French and English and support of the vitality of official language minority communities is an important responsibility of the Government of Canada. These consultations will provide the information needed for priority-setting and options regarding new challenges and wise investments.

Why do we conduct such consultations?
The context in which the Canadian government is called upon to support its two official languages evolves. The challenges are many for the entire Government of Canada. Choices must be carefully made to optimize the pursuit of concrete results for Canadians.

Have your say!
The government is soliciting the views of all Canadians on the issues and decisions that affect them. This is why you are invited to participate in the online consultation and provide feedback on the approach and actions that Canada needs to best promote its official languages.

To help guide an informed discussion, we prepared an online questionnaire and information capsules allowing Canadians to be heard and to learn more about their official languages. Round tables will also be organized in all provinces and territories.

There are two main ways you can provide feedback: responding anonymously to an online questionnaire or by joining a roundtable discussion on the Internet.

Link to the online questionnaire about 2016 pan Canadian online official languages

Other ways we will engage Canadian society
During pre-consultations, the Minister of Canadian Heritage invited the main communities representation groups to two meetings, in English and French. Bilingual round tables will be organized across the country. The main organizations representing the French and English linguistic minorities and organizations promoting linguistic duality will be invited to targeted consultation events. The federal institutions active in the area of official languages will hold sectoral consultations with their key stakeholders. Provinces and territories will also be consulted.

The meeting in Calgary will be held on September 6 from 9am to 11am.  To find out more, please visit