Question Period – 2024.06.07 – Carbon Tax Report 2

June 7, 2024

Mr. Len Webber (Calgary Confederation, CPC):     Mr. Speaker, Canadians want to see that secret report from the PBO on the true cost of the carbon tax. Canadians no longer trust the government, they no longer trust this MP, and they no longer trust the Prime Minister. Canadians want the data. They want the facts, and they will determine the truth. Canadians do not believe that they are better off because of the carbon tax. They are struggling daily to survive.

Why does the government not trust Canadians to make a fair assessment and release the secret report on the true cost of the carbon tax?


Mr. Ryan Turnbull (Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and to the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, Lib.):     Mr. Speaker, let us review what the PBO actually said.

On Power and Politics, Mr. Giroux said that carbon pricing is “seen by [most] economists as…the most cost-effective way of reaching…levels of carbon emissions [reduction].” Recently, on March 27, at the OGGO committee, Yves Giroux also said that “there is a wide consensus among economists—and I am an economist—that carbon pricing is an effective way of reducing carbon emissions.”

Mr. Giroux has claimed over and over again, and has reiterated, that carbon pricing—


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